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OpenCTO: First-principles thinking and detailed planning in a free chatbot.

Based on our 20 years of consulting experience, OpenCTO is designed for business leaders to uncover deeper, foundational insights into their business—what it does, why it does it, and the implications of potential changes, both large and small.

From a day-one startup to the Fortune 500, every business can benefit from taking a step back to deeply think through its foundations. No matter where you are on your journey, OpenCTO provides the clarity and perspective needed to ensure your business is on the right path, helping you navigate through both the big decisions and the small.

OpenCTO also excels in the details. It can assist in creating precise specifications for new projects and even help you find the right partner to bring them to life.

Our goal is to move humanity toward a post-scarcity world, and giving every business access to this level of assistance, 24/7, for free, is a key step in that direction.

We’re always trying to make OpenCTO better. If you have feedback, please let us know via this form.

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OpenCTO Pro: The Next Level in AI-Powered Business Integration

OpenCTO Pro takes the foundational capabilities of OpenCTO and elevates them to a whole new level. While OpenCTO provides businesses with customized technology advice, OpenCTO Pro is designed for those who are ready to integrate AI more deeply into their operations, transforming how they interact with technology on a day-to-day basis.

OpenCTO Pro isn’t just a chatbot—it’s a proactive, AI-driven agent that continuously works to enhance your business’s technological infrastructure. Unlike traditional tools that wait for user input, OpenCTO Pro actively integrates with your existing systems, identifying gaps, opportunities, and potential enhancements in real-time. It doesn’t just answer questions—it anticipates your needs, seeks out the best emerging technologies, and even begins the integration process for you.

Whether it’s automating workflows, optimizing your software stack, or even writing and deploying code, OpenCTO Pro takes on the heavy lifting, allowing you to focus on strategic decision-making. The level of autonomy is entirely up to you: you can choose to be hands-on, approving every change and update, or you can let OpenCTO Pro operate autonomously, intervening only when specific thresholds are met.

With OpenCTO Pro, your business gains a 24/7 digital partner that never stops working to find, implement, and optimize the technologies that will keep you ahead of the competition. It’s like having a full-time Chief Technology Officer, but one that works tirelessly, around the clock, to ensure your business is always at the cutting edge.

This advanced platform is currently in development, with plans for release in the coming months. However, by supporting our Kickstarter, you can accelerate its launch and secure exclusive lifetime licenses, ensuring your business is one of the first to benefit from the unparalleled capabilities of OpenCTO Pro.

OpenCTO Pro is more than an upgrade—it’s a revolution in how businesses adopt and integrate technology, ensuring that you’re not just keeping up with the future, but shaping it.

OpenCTO Concierge: The Ultimate White-Glove, Done-For-You Tech Service


Technology is progressing more rapidly today than ever before, so businesses need more than just traditional IT support—they need a strategic partner who understands the potential of cutting-edge technology and how to harness it for maximum impact. OpenCTO Concierge is that partner. We offer a premium, white-glove service that delivers high-level technology expertise combined with hands-on operational execution, ensuring your business stays ahead of the curve.


At the core of our service is the seamless integration of two essential roles: a high-level technology expert who acts as your single point of contact and strategic advisor, and a full-time human operator who specializes in leveraging AI tools to drive your business forward. This dynamic duo works in tandem to craft and execute a tailored technology strategy that aligns with your business goals.


Artificial Intelligence (AI) has revolutionized the way businesses operate, offering unprecedented speed and efficiency. AI tools are now capable of writing code at extraordinary speeds, optimizing complex business processes, automating marketing efforts, and performing tasks that would traditionally require a large team of humans. However, unlocking the full potential of these tools requires more than just access to the technology itself—it requires expertise, strategic insight, and skilled execution.


That’s where OpenCTO Concierge excels. Our technology expert collaborates with you to understand your unique business challenges and objectives, designing a roadmap that leverages AI to drive innovation and growth. Whether it’s streamlining operations, enhancing customer experiences, or scaling your marketing efforts, we develop a strategy that’s as forward-thinking as it is practical.


Meanwhile, our dedicated operator takes the reins, expertly managing the AI tools to bring your strategy to life. From automating routine tasks to implementing advanced analytics, our operator ensures that every aspect of your technology ecosystem is optimized for peak performance. You won’t need to worry about the complexities of AI implementation or the day-to-day management of your tech infrastructure—that’s all taken care of, allowing you to focus on what you do best: running your business.


With OpenCTO Concierge, you’re not just investing in a service; you’re gaining a comprehensive technology solution that evolves with your business. We provide everything you need to stay competitive in an increasingly automated world, all delivered with the personalized attention and expertise that defines a true white-glove experience.